Given name: Mejloch Family name: Perelman

  • YES
  • Male
  • Mejloch
  • Perelman
  • Mejlach,Majloch,Majlech
  • 1921
  • May 1943
  • Warszawa
  • Warszawa
  • A student of CISzO (Central Jewish School Organization) school, a member of Cukunft Skiff. He fought in the uprising in the Bund troop under command of L. Gruzalc in the area of central ghetto. He was also the commander of a recon patrols. During the action at Gesia Street No. 80, three fighters were killed and Perelman was badly wounded in his stomach. He managed to hide his friends' arms and crawled to the bunker at Mila Street No. 18. He was found there in the debris by his companions, who took him on the third floor of the house at Muranowska Street No. 37. A few hours later he died in the flames.

  • activists
  • 59, 61,62,64,65,240