Mąż Frumy Bregman nie chce wyjść na stronę ary...

  • YES
  • Mąż Frumy Bregman nie chce wyjść na stronę aryjską, gdyż chce ratować "swoich chasidim", tworzy szop, w którym zbiera bliskich sobie Żydów. Szop ten zostaje przez Niemców rozwiązany.

  • deportation
  • business, social/communal
  • Germans, religion, the 'Aryan' side, Shops
  • Hart, Tusia, relacja 301-1984

  • Nie jest powiedziane, kim był mąż autorki. Cadykiem???? Ostatecznie wyszedł z getta po lutym 43r., a przed powstaniem w getcie.

  • Related people:

    • Bregman Fruma

      One of the authors of testimony 301-1984. Before the war in Warsaw. During the war in the Warsaw ghetto with her dau...

    • Rajchenberg Hela

      an acquaintance of the Bregmans'; her whole family died in the Warsaw ghetto. Her sister- Renia Finkielsztajn -was s...

    • Finkelsztajn Renia

      Wife of Abram Finkelsztajn, who was a barrister; she was also and Hela Rajchenberg's sister; deported to Trawniki fr...

    • Finkelsztajn Abram

      A barrister, presumably died in the Warsaw Ghetto. His wife Renia and daughter Mira were deported to Trawniki

    • Finkelsztajn Mira

      deported with her mother from the Warsaw ghetto to Trawniki and shot there in front of her mother's eyes

    • Bregman Judel

      Fruma Bregman's husband's cousin. He had a wife called Marysia, they left the Warsaw ghetto probably in February 194...

    • Bregman Maria

      Judel's wife. She left the Warsaw ghetto with her husband in February 1943. They hid on the 'Aryan side', Maria was...

    • Hart Tusia

      Her father had a warehouse in Gesia Street and paid lots of money to the Strauss family, who lived on the "Arya...

    • Albek Unknown

      Two sisters; one of them was in Poniatowa, from where she was bailed out for a substantial sum of money, they both h...

    • Rabinowicz Artur

      He probably went out of the Warsaw Ghetto, and was hiding on the "Aryan" side; he went to the Polski Hotel...

    • Konstabler Stanisław

      His father died in flames during the ghetto' liquidation, his mother went to the 'Aryan side' with him and his young...

    • Gewerc Krysia

      Left the Warsaw ghetto - no date; she was hiding in Warsaw on the "Aryan side"

    Related places:

    • Miła

      Róg Zamenhofa i Miłej, miejsce selekcji w czasie akcji "kotła".