Helena wyjeżdża do Bergen-Belsen, tam przebywa...

  • NO
  • Helena wyjeżdża do Bergen-Belsen, tam przebywa 22 miesiące; 1945 - wyjeżdża do Palestyny - tam mąż (armia Andersa)

  • 1943-07-13
  • Hotel Polski
  • Cytrynik, Helena- Sława, "Hotel Polski"

  • Related people:

    • Zeldowicz Henryk

      the author's brother, survived in Russia, currently in Canada

    • Fiszhaut-Zeldowiczowa Unknown

      A doctor, the wife of the author's brother; she crossed to the 'Aryan side', she survived - after the war in Canada

    • Unknown Fryda

      Author's sister. Together with her husband, afraid of the 'Aryan side' - they stay in the bunker in Nowolipie Street...

    • Cytrynik Helena-Sława

      The author of the testimony. Fryd's younger sister, brother Henryk - a doctor. Father - forest exploitation, died 19...

    • Cytrynik Tadeusz

      the author´s husband; doctor. During the war he was in Russia with the Anders Army - Palestine, Italy, Palestine, pr...