Given name: Teodor Family name: Janicki

  • YES
  • Male
  • Teodor
  • Janicki
  • currently he lives in Chojnice, in the Bydgoszcz province, at Mylrada Street No. 1, flat 3 - three room flat in modern housing; he is a doctor, currently he is the head of the district hospital in Chojnice and the head of Surgery Ward, he provides for his family; he has two children, Teodora studies at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, his son is a second year student of law, the daughter takes exams to the fourth year of law; they are not granted any scholarship; during the war he hid with his wife Alicja Barduek, because of that he was arrested and kept at Pawiak for several months; later he and his wife hid Branka Wyrocha, they survived the Warsaw Uprising together and escaped to Torun; in Torun he was in II armed forces of the Polish Army; after the war he intended to see this year in Tel-Aviv Branka and her family, he would like to work there for some time in a local surgery clinic to deepen his knowledge