The deportation action was prepared very caref...

  • YES
  • The deportation action was prepared very carefully by the Germans. Not a single detail was overlooked.
    It began with the creation, 120 kilometers from Warsaw, of a death camp-Treblinka. Gas chambers were installed there, provided with requisite quantities of Cyklon B - a killer gas.
    In Warsaw itself, a deportation center ( the Umschlagplatz) was set, linked to a junction of the rail-line.

  • 1942-00-00
  • deportation
  • German operations
  • awareness of Holocaust, deportation
  • Written between 1952 and 1954, the book is a key work documenting the Warsaw ghetto from its inception to its final days.
    How did life continue in the Warsaw ghetto? What organizations took - or should have taken - care of its inhabitants? How did so many survive in such terrible isolation? In answering those questions Michel Mazor details the vanishing of a city.
    The book is a study of the social and political life of the Warsaw ghetto.

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