More rumors are spread in the ghetto. At first...

  • YES
  • More rumors are spread in the ghetto. At first, stories started circulating about gas chambers in which Jews were being exterminated. Basically no one believed these rumors. Then, in the spring of 1942, news filtered in that Jews in eastern Poland were being deported to an unknown destination.
    The official version was that the Jews were being transferred to labor camps and were said to be working under decent conditions.

  • 1942-00-00
  • Spring, 1942
  • in the ghetto
  • private life / daily life
  • awareness of Holocaust
  • Written between 1952 and 1954, the book is a key work documenting the Warsaw ghetto from its inception to its final days.
    How did life continue in the Warsaw ghetto? What organizations took - or should have taken - care of its inhabitants? How did so many survive in such terrible isolation? In answering those questions Michel Mazor details the vanishing of a city.
    The book is a study of the social and political life of the Warsaw ghetto.

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