A protest was organized made up of representat...

  • YES
  • A protest was organized made up of representatives of all parties. The author was also asked to take part in it, together with Menachem Kirszenbaum ( the General Zionists), Szachne Sagan ( the leftist faction of the Poalei - Zion - a socialist Zionist party), Maurycy Orzech (the Bund - a non Zionist socialist party), Zisze Frydman (Agudah - a religious party), Sak (the conservative faction of the Poalei- Zion), Salomon Mazur (Mizrahi - a religious Zionist party).

  • 1942-00-00
  • 1942-00-00
  • Spring, 1942
  • in the ghetto
  • social/communal
  • activists
  • Written between 1952 and 1954, the book is a key work documenting the Warsaw ghetto from its inception to its final days.
    How did life continue in the Warsaw ghetto? What organizations took - or should have taken - care of its inhabitants? How did so many survive in such terrible isolation? In answering those questions Michel Mazor details the vanishing of a city.
    The book is a study of the social and political life of the Warsaw ghetto.

  • 75-76
  • Related people: