Given name: Arie Family name: Wilner

  • YES
  • Male
  • Arie
  • Wilner
  • ps. "Jurek"; Willner
  • 1943-08-05
  • Warszawa
  • No
  • From Warsaw
  • Jewish
  • A member of the Zionist youth organisation "Haszomer Hacair" and a messenger of the Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) in Warsaw. He kept in touch with the Polish underground. The Germans arrested him in his flat on the 'Aryan side' and took him to the Gestapo in Szucha Avenue. He was maltreated during the interrogation- he did not say anything (he arose admiration among the Germans themselves). 'He was miraculously saved for the Germans', in March 1943 he comes back to the ghetto and he is operated on and cared after in the Rotblatts' flat at Muranowska Street No. 44. During the uprising, a bunker at Mila Street No. 18., he suggests committing collective suicide.

  • activists
  • Rufeisen-Schuepper, Helena Pozegnanie Milej 18. Wspomnienia laczniczki Zydowskiej Organizacji Bojowej (A Farewell in Mila Street No. 18. Memories of Messenger of the Jewish Fighting Organisation)

  • s. 234-236