Given name: Unknown Family name: Mortkowicz

  • YES
  • Male
  • Mortkowicz
  • 1942-05-29
  • Warszawa
  • a caretaker in the house where police officer Baranowski lived. When Germans came to arrest Baranowski, Mortkowich wrongly said that the police officer is at his post in the hospital in Stawki Street (in fact he was in the hospital at Leszno Street No. 1). When Germans did not find Baranowski at Stawki, they came back and shot Mortkowicz

  • civil servants
  • Auerbach, Rachela; pamietniki w Archiwum Ringelbluma Ring I, 654 i Ring I, 641 (memoirs in Ringelblum's Archive, Ring I, 654 and Ring I, 641)

  • [s., 26]