Given name: Unknown Family name: Hazensprung (2)

  • (1, 2) YES
  • (1, 2) Male
  • (1) Hazensprung , (2) Hazenszprung
  • (1, 2) No information
  • (1)

    An ineffective head of the Labour Battalion, took this office after Pozarski.


    A combatant, the head of the Labour Battalion, also a terrible idiot.

    • (1, 2) Judenrat
  • (1)

    Ernest, Stefan Pam. 195 Trzeci Front. O wojnie wielkich Niemiec z Żydami Warszawy 1939-1943 (About the War between Great Germany and Warsaw Jews 1939 - 1943)


    "Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: the 'journal' of
    Emanuel Ringelblum.

    Emanuel Ringelblum work was edited and translated into English by Jacob
    Sloan, and published in New York by McGraw-Hill Book Company, cop. 1958
    under the title Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: the 'journal' of Emanuel

  • (2) [129]