Given name: Icchak Family name: Wajntrojb

  • YES
  • Male
  • Icchak
  • Wajntrojb
  • Weintraub
  • Warszawa
  • Before the war he was known among members of the literary circles of Warsaw as a translator from French into Yiddish. He typed and prepared for publishing books written by other writers, wrote popular science articles. Helped prepare Jehoszua Perl's books for publishing. In the ghetto he ate in the kitchen at Leszno Street No. 40. Left science works (unknown to anybody) on Jewish dialects and translations of French literature that had not been printed. All was lost.

  • artists/writers
  • Rachela Auerbach gave him soup free of charge, on 'bread days' she gave him one-eight of a loaf of bread. When he suffered from hunger oedema she tried to get for him a parcel of packed food products or some money from the headquarters.

  • s.234,