Given name: Majer Family name: Bałaban (16)

  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) YES
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) Male
  • (1) Majer , (3) Majer , (4) Majer , (6) Majer , (7) Majer , (9) Majer , (10) Majer , (11) Majer , (12) Meier , (13) Majer , (14) Majer , (15) Meir , (16) Majer
  • (1) Bałaban , (2) Bałaban , (3) Bałaban , (4) Bałaban , (5) Bałaban , (6) Bałaban , (7) Bałaban , (8) Bałaban , (9) Bałaban , (10) Bałaban , (11) Bałaban , (12) Bałaban , (13) Bałaban , (14) Bałaban , (15) Bałaban , (16) Bałaban
  • (1, 3) 1877, (15) 1874
  • (1, 3) 1942, (5) October 1942, (6) luty 1943, (15) January 1943
  • (1, 5, 6, 14, 15) Warszawa
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) No information
  • (1)

    A professor at the Warsaw University, a prominent historian dealing with the history of Jews (mainly Polish Jews), the author of many masterpieces. He died in the Warsaw ghetto in 1942 and was buried at the Jewish cemetery in Okopowa Street. From Czerniakow's notes: on 31 December 1939 anxiety about Balaban's library.


    A professor, historian.


    A historian, professor at Warsaw University.


    In October 1942 he facilitated Jerzy Gladsztern moving to Toebbens in the small ghetto. During the July action he was ordered to catalogue the books that were left after murdered Jews. He had a pass that entitled him to move freely around the ghetto, as well as on the "Aryan' side in official matters. He was very proud of this fact.


    He married Maria and Marian Berland on 4 October 1942. A couple of days later he died.


    Przewodniczący Wydziału Spraw Matrykalnych Gminy i Archiwum Głównego Gminy.-lip. 41r.W grudniu 42r. odwiedziła go w getcie delegacja profesorów z Kolonii, którzy przed wojną mieli z nim kontakt naukowy. Byli oburzeni, że "taki człowiek nauki jest w getcie". W 3 tyg. po tej wizycie Bałaban zmarł śmiercią naturalną na udar serca. Pozostała żona i 3 dorosłych dzieci w wieku od 20 do 30 lat, zamężna córka i 2 synów. W lutym 43r. profesorową z córką i zięciem wywieziono do Treblinki. Profesorowa zginęła tam, a córka z zięciem uciekli z pociągu po drodze. Ukrywali się w Warszawie. Młodszy syn Aleksander był w getcie do kwietnia 43r., potem uciekł i odnalazł siostrę po str. aryjskiej. Po str. aryjskiej został aresztowany i został kolaborantem, wydawał Niemcom Żydów ukrywających się po str. aryjskiej.


    In December 1942 a visit in a hospital. Glocer met him during the autumn of 1942. Krystyna Zygler was his secretary. He died of a heart attack. In January 1943 he was the head of Department of Religious Affairs of the Judenrat.


    The Judenrat's chief rabbi.


    A professor, the member of the Judenrat. He dealt with education. He soon changed his mind and no longer supported Jewish private schools.


    A professor, Turkow's old friend. His daughter- lawyer Zofia Bialer was in charge of the Judenrat archives. He recommended people who needed help.


    A prominent historian. On 28 September 1941 he visited an exhibition presenting the works of Jewish youth (they took part in a technical drawing competition). The exhibition touched him deeply.


    a rabbi, professor, head of the Files Department; he writes a book on Jews in Nazis' reign; he gets a permission to cross to the 'Aryan side' and gather materials in the university library; he dies in 1942 for natural reasons; his diaries disappear


    A professor, historian. During the First Action he came to the SS headquaters in Ogrodowa Street, in order to give advice on Jewish books to one of the SS officers, who dealt with taking over Jewish books within the Werterfassung.


    a historian, long-standing professor at Lvov University and Warsaw University; a member of dozens of scientific associations; a member of Agudat Israel, he took part in the works of Commission for Cemeteries and Religious Affairs; deported from the ghetto in the summer 1942; he was then released from the Umschlagplatz by the direct order of high German authorities, probably from Cracow; died of a heart attack in January 1943 in the ghetto


    A professor, he lived in the ghetto at Muranowska Street No. 42, with his son, who was a doctor, and his wife. He had a pass - everyday he went to the university library, since he was working on a scientific paper the Germans. He died of a heart attack in the first half of 1943.


    historyk, profesor, wygłosił wykład
    starania o otwarcie synagogi Moriah
    przemówienie w synagodze Nożyka - 09-41
    podziękowanie od rodziny zmarłego Szwifa
    przemówienie na nabożeństwie chanukowym 20-12-41
    przemawia nad grobem Zabłudowskiego - 01-42
    podziękowanie od rodzny Zabłudowskich
    przemówienie na nabożeństwie żałobmym
    nad grobem Schönbacha
    W Komisji Spraw Religijnych
    przemówienie 1-04-42 na pogrzebie rabina Gutszechtera

    • (1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15) Intelligentsia
    • (4, 6) the rich
    • (5, 8) religion
    • (9) civil servants
    • (12) Judenrat
    • (13) artists/writers
    • (16) activists
  • (4)

    He is also mentioned, among others, in testimony 301-4816


    wydaje się, że przewodniczącym Wydziału w Gminie był syn profesora Bałabana, a nie sam profesor. Trudno stwierdzić jednak czy syn Aleksander, czy też starszy z synów.


    A pensioner with a white beard and a smart, deep look. Other testimonies: IIop2YV03/398, IIop2YV03/737, Iop2YV033/2010, 166.


    A professor

  • (1)

    Czerniakow, Adam, Adama Czerniakowa dziennik getta warszawskiego. 6 IX 1939 - 23 VII 1942, (The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow)


    Documents from Ringelblum's Archive, part I


    Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: the 'journal' of Emanuel Ringelblum; Emanuel Ringelblum’s work was edited and translated into English by Jacob Sloan, and published in New York by McGraw-Hill Book Company, cop. 1958 under the title Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: the 'Journal' of Emanuel Ringelblum


    Gladsztern-Gwiazdowski, Jerzy; testimony 301-2098


    Dokumenty z Archiwum Akt Nowych dotyczące getta warszawskiego


    Gurfinkiel-Glocerowa, Sabina; The Czyste Hospital and Me, Testimony, Yad Vashem Archives


    Kapłan, Chaim Aron; Scroll of Agony. The Warsaw Diary, transl. from Hebrew and ed. by A. I. Katsh


    Berg, Mary; Dziennik z getta warszawskiego (Warsaw Ghetto Diary)


    Adler, Stanislaw, <> , <>


    Name unknown

  • (1) 74, (2) 437, str2, (3) [129,282,, ,, 295,, 358], (5) 111, (6) [27,, s., 16,, AAN-28,, s.98], (8) 91,201, (9) 180, (10) 21, 55, 72,203, (11) [s., 110], (13) [s., 125], (14) , str.53, 54 cz.2 str.85, (15) 159,202, (16) II 59/3,81/5,91/3,120og, III 4/2,5og, 10/2, 24/2, 29/2, 42/2