Given name: Jakub, Jakubek Family name: Putermilch

  • YES
  • Male
  • Jakub, Jakubek
  • Putermilch
  • 1942
  • 1985
  • Warszawa
  • Tel Aviv
  • Grew up in a family of orthodox Jews. His parents had a small shop in Nowolipki Street. Jakub was a heder student, then he finished a vocational school. As a member of Haszomer Hacair; he joined the Jewish Fighting Organisation (ZOB) in 1942. In the uprising he fought at the Toebens and Schultz's shops in the Gordonia combat group under command of Jakub Fajgenblat. He left the ghetto through the sewers on 29 April. He fought in partisan units upon Bug. He fought in the Warsaw Uprising. After it, he hid until the liberation. In 1945 he left for Palestine with his wife Masza.

  • activists
  • 73,74,75,131,243