Given name: Leon Family name: Płockier (3)

  • (1, 2, 3) YES
  • (1, 2, 3) Male
  • (1) Leon , (3) Leon
  • (1) Płockier , (2) Płockier , (3) Płockier
  • (3) Plocker
  • (3) 1895
  • (3) ca. 1965
  • (3) Warszawa
  • (3) Warszawa
  • (1, 2) No information, (3) From Warsaw
    • (3) Wola
  • (1)

    a famous gastrologist, worked on the Binder company work detail, Jozef Dab helped him to leave the ghetto; he hid in Warsaw


    a famous Jewish gastrologist - as the trusted one he checks the circumcised in the hospital in Piastow


    Uncle, mother's brother, doctor employed in a hospital; before the war he was a member of the International Organisation to Help Revolutionaries. In the ghetto - in a pre-war flat with his wife, sister-in-law and two adult nieces.

    • (1, 2, 3) physicians
  • (3)

    telephone in the flat; Warsaw Telephone Directory 1939 (SASTW - Spis Abonentow Sieci Telefonicznej m. st. Warszawy 1939): L. Plockier, M. D., Leszno Street No. 25, telephone number 11-14-00

  • (1)

    Saloni, Juliusz; relacja 301-4996 (testimony 301-4996)


    Reicher, Edward W ostrym świetle dnia. Dziennik zydowskiego lekarza 1939-1945 (In Broad Daylight. A Diary of a Jewish Doctor 1939 - 1945)

  • (2) 136, (3) 90