Given name: Jadzia Family name: Unknown

  • YES
  • Female
  • Jadzia
  • She was a dancer before the war. In the ghetto, she was employed in a work detail in Poznanska Street. After 11 November 1942, on the 'Aryan side'. Denounced to Gestapo by Molly. Imprisoned in Gesiowka. During the January Action, she avoided the deportation of the whole prison hiding under a bench. Led on the 'Aryan side' by an SS-man Schmedke on 18 January 1943.

  • around the author
  • Szajn-Lewin, Ewa, Eugenia; W getcie warszawskim, lipiec 1942-kwiecien 1943 (In the Warsaw Ghetto, July 1942 – April 1943)

  • [s.50-53]