Given name: Lusiek Family name: Błones

  • YES
  • Male
  • Lusiek
  • Błones
  • Bloness
  • 1930
  • after 13 May 1943
  • in 1943 he was 13 and he was the youngest ZOB member; Jurek Blones's brother; rescued by his brother from the train to Treblinka; before the uprising he worked at Molotov cocktails production and he was in charge of getting empty bottles in the ghetto; he stood out in the uprising, he got a gun as a reward; together with brother and sister he was to hide at a peasant's in Pludy - they died on the way to the farmer

  • activists
  • fearless and clever, according to Wladka

  • 60-61,134,173,198