Given name: Szmuel Family name: Lehman

  • YES
  • Male
  • Szmuel
  • Lehman
  • 1941-09-23
  • 1886
  • Warszawa
  • Warszawa
  • Jewish folklore collector, married; before the war he wandered in the countryside. He began gathering folklore already in the tsarist times. Until the outbreak of the I World War he conducted research mainly in Jewish centres in Central Poland. After joining Galicja to Poland he crossed the former Austrian-Russian boarder to examine the differences and similarities in customs and folklore of Russian-Polish Jews, who had been separated from the matrix for almost 150 years and Jews of Maloposka. He was very popular in literary circles. In the Warsaw ghetto, in the first period he belonged to the closest collaborators of Ringelblum's Archive. Thanks to Ringelblum's initiative he got a post in one of refugee shelters. The Lehman family lived in Orla Street, a few houses right to the corner of Leszno Street, on the odd side. He died in the ghetto, ill with cancer. 'He was lucky to die in his own bed' and he had right to an almost normal funeral on the cemetery in Gesia Street. Before his death he also had various priviliges. Thanks to Ringleblum and Brojd's presence in the ZSS (Jewish Social Self-Help) Giterman knew no hunger in the ghetto. When he fell ill, at the end of 1940 he got a secretary at his disposal, who dealt with cataloging and retyping his materials, deciphering stenographic notes made by Lehman. Among those materials there were works written during the war.. After the I World War Lehman published a work on Jewish folklore (edited by Prilucki) from 1914-1918. During the first phase of the II War he noted different new words, stories and charades, which expressed Jewish reaction to the existing situation.

  • Intelligentsia
  • All Lehman's works, filed by his secretary appointed by Ringelblum, disappeared. Ringelblum himself asked Lehman's wife and son several times to entrust him with Lehman's work. But the heirs did not do it. Unfortunately, he could not tell them about the archive and places where they are stored in order to raise the hairs' trust. He did not get the materials. Thus a great treasure of Jewish culture disappeared.

  • s.133,134, 342,156,159