Zysman kupuje 50 kilogramów cukru płacąc po do...

  • NO
  • Zysman kupuje 50 kilogramów cukru płacąc po dolarze za kilogram. Zysman bierze z tego 15 kilogramów dla 20 swoich podopiecznych, 15 kilogramów dostał ŻOB (piętnastoosobowa grupa i ich kilku podopiecznych - Leona i Zosi), 20 kilogramów do dyspozycji Bermanów. Bermanowie zatrzymali 5 kilo w domu dla sześciu osób, 2 oddali Watraszkowi, 2 - Roszkowskiemu i Rothowi, kilogram dla Michalskiego, część dla Assordobraj i Magdy, kilogram dla Szejnmana. To, co zostało zabrali do schronu na Felińskiego.

  • economic, help
  • Jewish underground movement , contacts with other Jews , costs, material help
  • 122
  • Related people:

    • Temkin - Bermanowa Barbara

      The author of 'Dziennik z podziemia' (Diary from the Underground). Got secondary and primary education thanks to her...

    • Berman Adolf

      The author's husband. He completed the Michal Kreczmar Gymnasium (junior high school). He studied psychology, histor...

    • Zysman Józef

      Author's messenger. He looked as a typical Jew, but he was blond. At the end of the war he took care for more than h...

    • Kuszyński Unknown

      An acquaintance of the Bermans.

    • Frydman Regina

      she worked as a nurse helper in the Warsaw ghetto in The Bersohn and Bauman Children’s Hospital; from March 1943 on...

    • Assorodobraj Nina

      One of the 'three Graces'. Came form Lvov. Survived the war. At her place (Krasinskiego Street No. 18) the author hi...

    • Watraszek Mieczysław

      a Communist activist, an officer of the People's Army (AL). After the liberation he became a major in the Polish Arm...

    • Moszkowski Ryszard

      an engineer, he died (B.T.-B.).

    • Roth Jakub

      A writer. In the spring of 1944 collaborated with Berman on the poetry volume 'From the Depths' ('Z otchlani').

    • Szejnman Unknown

      works in a hospital

    • Michalski Unknown

      Basia and Adolf Bermans' charge or collaborator