Leszno From Warsaw

  • YES
  • From Warsaw
  • Leszno
  • 13
  • in the ghetto
  • business, social/communal
  • collaboration, smuggling
  • It was residence of an organisation named The Office to Combat Profiteering and Speculation. It was commonly called the 'Thirteen', because of the number of the house, in which the residence was. It was widespread that the Thirteen's members (who wore caps with green rims) had connections with Gestapo, but there was no evidence; they prowled in the city scrounging money. It was known, that they were also smuggling the goods in any amount, size or sort. Abram Grancwajch and Dawid Szternfeld were in charge.

  • Memoirs of a Lodz barrister. They present the fate of the hero before and during the war. Divided into eleven chapters depicting the stages of author's life, and his struggle with reality.

  • 132