Helców Not in Warsaw

  • NO
  • Not in Warsaw
  • Helców
  • in the Ghetto
  • Germans operations, underground activity
  • Jewish underground movement , outside of Warsaw
  • A prison, in which, among others, fighters from the Cracow organisation were put after their base was found at night on 22/23 December 1942.

  • Zivia (Cywia) Lubetkin's memoirs. Record of the testimony from the occupation period of one of the most outstanding figures of Jewish resistance movement and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. After coming to Palestine after the war, she wanted to preserve the memory of the events she took part in; she told people in kibbutzim how the Holocaust looked like, what people from her circle did, with no chance to succeed, to prevent it. The description of the Uprising is the main and the most shocking part of the memoirs. They are generally considered one of the most important sources of the uprising's history. The memoirs were previously published in Hebrew, Yiddish, English and Russian.

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