Given name: Unknown Family name: Rubinstein (8)

  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) YES
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Male
  • (1) Rubinstein , (2) Rubinstein , (3) Rubinstein , (4) Rubinstein , (5) Rubinsztajn , (6) Rubinsztajn , (7) Rubinsztajn , (8) Rubinsztejn
  • (5) Rubinstajn
  • (1) 1942-07-27
  • (5) November 1941
  • (5) Warszawa
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) No information
  • (1)

    A lunatic and a beggar. He created the saying 'Ale galach'- 'Everybody is equal', which was well-known in the ghetto. He died lonely during the first days of the Deportation. He volunteered and went to the Umschlag with a smile on his face.


    'The ghetto's famous lunatic Rubinstein', the author of the saying 'to give away food coupons', which meant to die of starvation.


    A beggar, who sang in the streets of the ghetto 'Everybody's equal'. His aphorisms were known in the whole ghetto, people laughed at him and made songs about him. Almost naked, he ran about the streets of the ghetto faster and faster to warm himself up. Finally his throat produced only unarticulated sounds. One day he disappeared.


    In the spring of 1942 he used to run down Elektoralna Street dressed in shabby old clothes. He flourished a stick, jumping and huming to himself. He was very popular in the ghetto and had his own motto-'Boy, don't give up', which made him recognizable even from a distance. His jokes went around the whole ghetto. Getting close to the German guards, doing different faces, jiggling and abusing them at the same time was his specialty. The Germans considered it very entertaining, and so they often gave Rubinstein cigarettes and cash for his insults, since they felt he was a lunatic and did not take him seriously. Was Rubinstein really insane due to sustained torture, or was it his way to survive, which unfortunately he did not manage to achieve?


    He died, the ghetto's joker.


    A well-known beggar, the ghetto's joker. He came from Lodz and was extremely cunning. The saying 'Everybody is equal' ('wszyscy rowni') spread around the whole ghetto, there was even a play in the theatre under this title.


    Insane, runs around the whole ghetto. He came from Lodz.


    The ghetto's joker. He volunteered to go to the Umschlag.

    • (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7) beggars
    • (5) refugees
    • (8) the rich
  • (2)

    According to Benjamin Babic.


    Untrue, he did not die.


    Other testimonies: IIop2YV033/438, Iop2YV033/2010

  • (2)

    Czapska, Maria Gwiazda dawida. Dzieje jednej rodziny (Star of Dawid. A Story of a Family)


    Adler, Stanislaw; In the Warsaw Ghetto 1940-1943 An Account of a Witness; The Memoirs of Stanislaw Adler


    Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: the 'journal' of Emanuel Ringelblum; Emanuel Ringelblum’s work was edited and translated into English by Jacob Sloan, and published in New York by McGraw-Hill Book Company, cop. 1958 under the title Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: the 'Journal' of Emanuel Ringelblum


    Wilner, Gusta; Wspomnienia z getta i aryjskiej strony Warszawy - Poswiecone pamieci mojego Brata, bojownika Arje ('Jurka') Wilnera, ktory polegl w walce o honor Narodu Zydowskiego; (Memoirs from the Ghetto and the 'Aryan Side' of Warsaw – to Remember my Brother, the Fighter Arje ('Jurek'), who Died to Defend the Honour of the Jewish People

  • (1) , str.5, 40, 41, (4) 78,79, (5) 110/2,112/3, (6) 105, (7) ,246,254