Given name: Ryszard Family name: Mitelberg

  • YES
  • Male
  • Ryszard
  • Mitelberg
  • 1906
  • Warszawa
  • author of testimony 301-1308, a locksmith by profession, in the ghetto with his wife and child; in the ghetto he lived at Chlodna Street No. 18 until the First Action, he had a colonial shop, recognized by Judenrat as a distribution point of card food, he worked in Miller's shop and later he hid with his family in the bunker at Zamenhofa Street No. 27, with his wife and child they went through a round-up, during the uprising he hid in the bunker at Zamenhofa Street No. 30 - Gesia Street No. 22, during the uprising deported with his family to Treblinka, his wife and child died there. Mitelberg - a prisoner in Majdanek, Skarzysko, Sulejowo, Buchenwald. Schieben, Mauthausen, after the war in Lodz.

  • trade
  • Mitelberg, Ryszard; testimony 301-1308