Wysiedlenie w szpitalu na Gęsiej. Lekarze i pi...

  • YES
  • Wysiedlenie w szpitalu na Gęsiej. Lekarze i pielęgniarki wytruli morfiną beznadziejnie chorych. Kiedy chorzy pojechali, zwołano personel na selekcję

  • 1943-01-18
  • 1943-01-18
  • deportation
  • social/communal
  • ill, physicians, medicine, medical, selection, death, deportation
  • 214,215
  • Related people:

    • Szereszewska Irena

      Studied medicine in Grenoble, came back to Warsaw on 8 September 1939. She signed up for the nursing school at Czyst...

    • Sztein Józef

      He gave lectures on pathology in Nursing School, he was the head of the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6. On 18 Januar...

    • Wortman Unknown

      He worked at the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6. He passed the selection at the hospital on 18 January 1943.

    • Hellerowa Unknown

      Worked in a hospital at Gesia Street No. 6, was not deported after the selection on 18 January 1943.

    • Brandwein Unknown

      He worked in the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6 was lucky to have survived the selection in the hospital on 18 Janua...

    • Amzel Unknown

      a cashier in the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6, he survived the selection in the hospital on 18 January 1943

    • Gelbfisz Unknown

      worked in the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6. 18 January 1943 deported

    • Zenderman Unknown

      a nurse in the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6. She survived the hospital selection on 18 January 1943

    • Rochmen Unknown

      A nurse in the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6. She successfully went through the selection of the hospital on 18 Jan...

    • Fried Unknown

      a superior of the nurses in the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6. Deported after selection at the hospital on 18 Janua...

    • Próżańska Unknown

      A nurse in the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6. Deported after the selection in the hospital on 18 January 1943.

    • Katz Unknown

      A nurse working in the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6. Deported after the selection of the hospital on 18 January 19...

    • Swierdziołł Unknown

      a nurse in the hospital at Gesia Street No.6. Deported after the selection of the hospital on 18 January 1943

    • Michelburg Unknown

      a nurse at the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6. She was deported after the hospital selection on 18 January 1943

    • Niemcówna Unknown

      nurse in the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6. Deported after the selection of the hospital on 18 January 1943

    • Jakobson Unknown

      A nurse from the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6. Taken during the selection in the hospital on 18 January 1943. Esca...

    Related places:

    • Gęsia 6

      established after the liquidation of the hospital in Leszno