Różne instytucje niemieckie zakupują towar na...

  • YES
  • Różne instytucje niemieckie zakupują towar na terenie Dzielnicy żydowskiej przez Transferstelle. Firmy żydowskie, które sprzedały towar Niemcom: M. Łucki, Zonenszajn, Goldstein, Fastag, J. Birnbaum, Dr. Paulin, Atlas, Chirurgia(21 100 kg instrumentów lekarskich), Kessler Soehne, A. Orbach, Centr. Zbiornik Flaszek (15 800 kg skorup szklanych), Brajsman, Kapłan, Bornstein, M. Maschler.

  • czerwiec 1941
  • in the ghetto
  • business
  • trade, Germans, entrepreneurs, Jews
  • dokumenty z Archiwum Akt Nowych dotyczące getta warszawskiego

  • [27,, s., 6] -
  • Related people:

    • Łucki M.

      Owner of the company at Bagno Street No. 1, he sold Germans scrap zinc through the Transfer Office (Transferstelle)...

    • Zonenszajn Unknown

      The company at Nalewki Street No. 45, he sold 95 balls and nets to Germans through the Transferstelle.

    • Goldstein Unknown

      The company at Nalewki Street No. 13, he sold 32 leather balls through the Transferstelle.

    • Fastag Unknown

      The company at Niska Street No. 39. He sold 1,000 kg of scrap copper and scrap brass through the Transferstelle.

    • Birnbaum J.

      A firm at Nalewki Street No. 5, he sold the Germans through Transferstelle 33 leather balls and 84 pipes.

    • Orbach A.

      Company at Twarda Street No. 28. They sold 1995 kg of pearl shells to Germans through the Transferstelle.

    • Brajsman Unknown

      A company at Leszno Street No. 6. He sold the Germans through the Transfer Office (Transferstelle) 19 940 kilos of g...

    • Kapłan Unknown

      The company at Twarda Street No. 17. Sold through the Transferstelle 13800 kg of metal shot to the Germans.

    • Bornstein Unknown

      A company at Twarda Street No. 41. He sold the Germans via Transferstelle 12,500 kilograms of malleable iron.

    • Maschler M.

      A company at Nowolipki Street No. 27, cellophane flowers manufacture. He sold 34 kg cellophane flowers to Germans th...