Autorka zaczęła dzwonić do getta dosyć późno -...

  • NO
  • Autorka zaczęła dzwonić do getta dosyć późno - wiosną 1943, kiedy wyciągano Ringelbluma z obozu i kiedy Wilner był już poza gettem. Pierwsze telefony wykonywał Adolf Berman, z czasem Bermanowie nawiązywali coraz więcej kontaktów - z Gitlerem-Barskim, Zundelewicz, Berlińskim, Landauem i znajomymi z Poalej Syjon-Lewicy.

  • underground activity
  • communication, Jewish underground movement , contacts with other Jews
  • 51
  • Related people:

    • Temkin - Bermanowa Barbara

      The author of 'Dziennik z podziemia' (Diary from the Underground). Got secondary and primary education thanks to her...

    • Wilner Arie

      An organizer of the underground, a leader of Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) on the "Aryan side" (B.T.-...

    • Ringelblum Emanuel

      A historian, activist, author of the archive. The Bermans take care of him, when he hides in the bunker.

    • Berman Adolf

      The author's husband. He completed the Michal Kreczmar Gymnasium (junior high school). He studied psychology, histor...

    • Gitler Józef

      Adolf Berman's assistant in the Warsaw Ghetto, responsible for the finances in the Centos (Central Organization for...

    • Berliński Hersz

      one of 'quintuplets', a member of Poale Zion-Left; he died in the Warsaw Uprising; commander of one of the ghetto in...

    • Zundelewicz Irena

      A clerk in the Centos (the Central Organization for Orphan Care). A daughter of a well-known barrister from Warsaw,...

    • Landau Aleksander Lejb

      An engineer, before the war co-owned a furniture factory at Gesia Street No. 30, which was taken over by Ostdeutsche...