Wychodzą z getta Renia z Witusiem - do szpital...

  • YES
  • Wychodzą z getta Renia z Witusiem - do szpitala w dużym getcie - ordynator jest szwagrem Reni. Mąż Henryk - działacz Bundu

  • 1942-04-11
  • 6. rano
  • in the ghetto
  • social/communal
  • activists, medicine, medical, the 'Aryan' side, escaping the ghetto
  • Piżyc, Mirka, Relacja, W Archiwum Yad Vashem

  • Related people:

    • Piżycowa Renia

      The author's aunt. Works in Schultz's shop. A son. Her husband, Henryk Pizyc, was a Bund activist.

    • Piżycówna Zosia

      13 years old, the author's sister. She crossed to the 'Aryan side' with her mother.

    • Unknown Basia

      author's daughter, she has a thirteen-year-old daughter - Hania, works for Schultz, crossed to the 'Aryan side' with...