Given name: Ada Family name: Połomska

  • YES
  • Female
  • Ada
  • Połomska
  • in: 'Love Is Looking for a Flat' ('Milosc szuka mieszkania'), Girl-of-All-Trades ('Dziewczę do wszystkiego') as the kitchen servant, 'Ph Is Me' ( 'ph to ja') - as the romantic young spouse, 'High School Finals' ('Matura') - as dr Klotylda Wiener, 'The Fair of Laughs' (Jarmark smiechu'), in in 'Tylko dla doroslych' ('For Adults Only'), 'Sprawa...' ('The Case....') - as the killed man's wife

  • artists/writers
  • III 10/2, 28/3, 32/2, 43/2, 49/2, 63/2, 73/2