Given name: Ariel Family name: Unknown

  • YES
  • Male
  • Ariel
  • Son of music teachers. He promised well as a very gifted person. He sang and played violin. He came from Warsaw Praga district. He used to sneak away and come to yard at Jagielonska Street to play and earn money. He also played a selection of neapolitan songs including O sole mio. The last time he came was in 1942. He never wanted to stay on the 'Aryan side' because he was worried about his parents. He gave his violoin for safekeeping to Lucja Ossowska-Gularska from Jagielonska Street.

  • children
  • Iwaszkiewicz, Joanna; Wtedy kwitly forsycje. Pamieci dzieci - ofiar Holocaustu (Forsythias Were then in Bloom. In Memory of Children - Victims of the Holocaust)

  • [s., 61-63]