Given name: J Family name: Jaszuński (16)

  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) YES
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) Male
  • (1) J , (3) Józef , (4) Józef , (5) Józef , (6) Józef , (7) Josif , (8) Josef , (10) Józef , (12) Józef , (13) Jakub , (14) Józef , (15) Józef
  • (1) Jaszuński , (2) Jaszuński , (3) Jaszuński , (4) Jaszuński , (5) Jaszuński , (6) Jaszuński , (7) Jaszuński , (8) Jaszuński , (9) Jaszuński , (10) Jaszuński , (11) Jaszuński , (12) Jaszuński , (13) Jaszuński , (14) Jaszuński , (15) Jaszuński , (16) Jaszuński.
  • (3) 1888-05-12
  • (3) 1943-01-18, (16) 1943-01-18
  • (7) styczeń 1943, (13) 18 January 1943 [?]
  • (3, 16) Warszawa, (7) Warzawa(?), (13) Treblinka
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) No information
  • (1, 15)

    A councillor.


    Judenrat member, he was active in the Society to Support Craft


    member of the Judenrat; at the beginning of the July Action imprisoned at Pawiak as a hostage


    Deputy chief of the Presidium of the Jewish Social Self-Help (ZSS). Head of the Re-stratification and Vocational Training Section (March 1942). He lived at Zelazna Street No. 78, flat 5 (1942).


    a Judenrat member, the head of the ORT (Society for the Propagation of Labor among Jews), before closing the ghetto he writes a memorial invalidating from economic point of view the German thesis that Jews are breeding ground for typhus and have to be closed in the ghetto; deputy chairman of the ZSS (Jewish Social Self-Help), arrested and detained at Pawiak as a hostage on the first day of the summer action 1942; he lives with family in Zelazna Street together with Makower and his mother; 6 September 1942 he head the committee allotting life numbers. 18 January 1943 he got to the Umschlagplatz with his family, deported


    An activist of ORT (Society for the Propagation of Labor among Jews); co-operated with Jozef Barski from the Centos (Central Organization for Orphan Care).


    Inżynier. Przed wojną był dyrektorem Ortu w Polsce.Był znany z głębokiej znajomości statystyki i nauk przyrodniczych, ruchu społecznego i bibliografii. Był bezpartyjnym socjalistą o poglądach zbliżonych do Bundu. W getcie w-skim, będąc w Judenracie starał się równocześnie być związanym z żydowską samopomocą społeczną.Był członkiem Prezydium Krajowego Żydowskiej Socjalnej Samopomocy odpowiedzialną za działalność tej organizacji przed cywilnymi władzami niemieckimi Zajmował się statystyką ale z chwilą kiedy po długich staraniach otrzymano pozwolenie na prowadzenie kursów zawodowych w getcie, stanął na czele komórki organizującej profesjonalne kursy zawodowe. Zginął wraz z rodziną podzczas drugiej akcji, w styczniu 1943r.


    a member of the ZSS (Jewish Social Self-Help) presidium; director of a school network in the ghetto. In April 1941 he visited with Czerniakow technical drawing courses organised by the Judenrat (Sienna Street No. 16). 5 February 1942 he awarded the prizewinners of the contest for the poster devoted to social help. Detained at Pawiak as a hostage on 21 July 1942


    Judenrat's councillor. He stayed with his wife and young daughter-in-law in the Judenrat building in Zamenhofa Street. Jaszunski - post-office manager lived at Muranowska Street No. 42 in autumn 1942.


    Engineer. Director of the ORT (Society for the Propagation of Labor among Jews). Judenrat member. Member of the leadership the Jewish Self-Help (JSS) during the occupation.


    A member of Judenrat's authority, he was on delegation which at the end of March 1940 met with the governor Frank. In September 1940 he brought from Cracov guidelines on how to educate and professionally prepare Jewish children.


    An engineer and a member of the Judenrat, a director of ORT (Society for the Propagation of Labor among Jews) for the entire Poland, post.


    Judenrat member, head of the Statistical Department of the Judenrat; the only Bund member in the Judenrat; before the war an activist of ORT (Society for the Propagation of Labor among Jews), he had no influence in the Judenrat; he vegetated in different departments, in the end he was in charge of training courses for Judenrat clerks; deported to Treblinka with the whole family 18 January 1943


    A councillor. During Spring 1942 he organised, together with prof. Wolfowicz, courses for Judenrat clerks (the aim: to improve relations between offices and the society). He was deported with his family during the January action.


    A member of the Council, highly respected. He dealt with statistical matters and vocational education.

    • (1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) Judenrat
    • (4) civil servants
    • (6, 11) activists
    • (7) Intelligentsia
    • (8, 10) activists, Judenrat
  • (5)

    H.Makower's friend, they shared a love for books; calm, a bit childish joke contrasted with the seriousness of this 60-year-old scholar. He was not considered a good man, perhaps he was cold and egoistic, indeed. But he was one of the few coucillors who had a reputation of being 100% honest. He was a perfect organiser; wide horizons, encyclopedic knowledge.


    Jedna z trzech pozytywnych postaci, obok Abrahama Gepnera, Szmuela Wintera, w składzie Judenratu, wymienione przez A.Bermana. Był pzyjacielem Centralnej biblioteki dla dziec w getcie.


    the author gives the description of Jaszunski's appearance

  • (1)

    Documents from Ringelblum's Archive, part I


    Gladsztern - Gwiazdowski, Jerzy, relacja 301-2098 (testimony 301-2098)


    Documents from Ringelblum's Archive, part II


    Barski, Jozef Przezycia i wspomnienia z lat okupacji (Experiences and Memoirs of the Occupation)


    Berg, Mary; Dziennik z getta warszawskiego (Warsaw Ghetto Diary)


    Czerniakow, Adam; Adama Czerniakowa dziennik getta warszawskiego. 6 IX 1939 - 23 VII 1942, (The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow)


    Kaplan, Chaim Aron Scroll of Agony. The Warsaw Diary, transl. from Hebrew and ed. by A. I. Katsh


    Ernest, Stefan Pam. 'Trzeci Front. O wojnie wielkich Niemiec z Zydami Warszawy 1939-1943' (On the War of Great Germany with the Jews 1939 – 1943)


    name unknown

  • (1) 247, (2) 303, (4) 74, s. 1, (5) 9,19,56,107,202,203,208, (6) [s., 11], (7) str. 90-92,139,148, (8) [s.62,, 139,, 180], (9) 122,181, (10) 73; 98, (11) 118,174, (12) 49,64, (14) [s., 38,, 207], (15) I, 197, (16) , str.97, cz.2 str.85