Given name: Zalman Family name: Friedrich (5)

  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) YES
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Male
  • (1) Zalman , (2) Zygmunt , (3) Zelman , (4) Zalman , (5) Zeman
  • (1) Friedrich , (2) Frydrych , (3) Frydrych , (4) Friedrich , (5) Frydrych
  • (2) Załmen Frydrych, (3) ps. "Zygmunt", (4, 5) Zygmunt
  • (2) 1911
  • (2) ca. 15 May 1943, (4) po 13-05-43
  • (2) Warszawa
  • (2) Płudy
  • (1, 2, 4, 5) No information, (3) From Warsaw
    • (2) Jewish
    • (3) Jewish
  • (1)

    an 'Aryan-looking' activist of the Bund; he was sent by the organisation to investigate the destination of transports during the Great Action, with the help of a Polish railwayman, who was a socialist, he got to Sokolow and discovered the sidetrack to Treblinka, he talked to local people...


    came from a Hassidic family, finished a CISzO (Central Jewish School Organization) school, a Bund activist. A participant of the September Campaign, detained in the POW's camp in Konigsberg. He was active in the underground of the Warsaw Ghetto. During the First Deportation Action he was sent by his organisation to Treblinka to find out what the lot of the deportees was. On the basis of his accounts, the underground newspapers presented shocking facts about Treblinka. During the uprising he was a messenger between combat groups and the ZOB (Jewish Fighting Organization) staff, he used to keep contact also with the "Aryan side". On 30 April 1943 he and K. Ratjzer were sent by the ZOB commanders to the "Aryan side". There, they organized evacuation of fighters from the ghetto. On 10 May, together with the insurgents, who had left through the sewers, Frydrych managed to reach Lomianki. A few days later he and a group of fighters were murdered by Germans in the village of Pludy. His wife Cila died in Majdanek, while his daughter survived the war in a convent near Krakow


    From the "Bund". Worked in a ironworker's workshop, which was his "hideout". When R. Auerbach was crossing to the "Aryan side", Winter gave her Frydrych's number. Winter also asked her for finding a place for his children on the "Aryan side". This message was to be passed to "Zygmunt"


    5-12-42 r. był na cmentarzu podczas katolickiego pogrzebu Giny Klepfisz. Po aryjskiej stronie żył czas dłuższy, zdążył wyrobić sobie znajomości. Był zameldowany przy polskiej rodzinie. Rodzina Polaków pomogła też jego żonie. 5-letnia córka Elsa była ukrywana w kościele pod Krakowem. Zimą 42/43 prześladują go szmalcownicy. Aby im uciec, postanawia ukryć się na jakiś czas... w getcie. Jest pierwszą osobą, która przynosi do getta wiadomości o tym co się dzieje w Treblince. 30-04-43 wychodzi z getta podziemnym przejściem. 13-05-43 bierze udział w spotkaniu na Starynkiewicza, próbując umieścić ocalałych bojowców w oddziale Nosowskiego z AL. Ciężarówką zakupioną specjalnie w tym celu przywozi do Płud pod Warszawą czwórkę przyjaciół: Jurka, Luśka i Gutę Błonesów oraz Fajgę Goldstein. Chłop, który zaoferował im kryjówkę, zdradza. Wszyscy giną. Zygmunta aresztują polscy policjanci po zanlezieniu przy nim pistoletu.


    A member of the Bund. Took part in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. During the first days of the First Action he already penetrated the village of Treblinka, established contact with Polish railwaymen and brought to the ghetto certain news that "Treblinka means death". He took part in the Polish-German War of 1939 in the ranks of Polish army. When the ghetto was in flames, he crossed to the "Aryan side" through the sewers. He helped many Jewish insurgents to leave through the sewers. Died with a group of fighters near Warsaw

    • (1, 3, 4, 5) activists
    • (2) activists, underground movement
    • (3) Jewish underground movement
  • (4)

    Wielokrotnie łapali go szmalcownicy. Udawało mu się wywinąć. Był aktywnym przywódcą podziemia. Wysoki, ruchliwy, z żywymi, błękitnymi oczyma. Doskonały kierowca. Oddał życie próbując ratować kolegów.

  • (1) 195, (3) s.64, (4) 104,106,107,130,146,185,197, 198-199, (5) str.230Zelan