Given name: Roma Family name: Brandes (2)

  • (1, 2) YES
  • (1, 2) Female
  • (1) Roma , (2) Roma
  • (1) Brandes , (2) Brandes
  • (1, 2) No information
  • (1)

    A former teacher in a Jewish school, Mania Wasser's sister. Deported to Treblinka after the round-up in Mila Street. She told her friends in Gesia Street, waiting anxiously for the night action, talked about the Olympic games in Vienna before the war.


    The wife of the leader of Jewish socialists, who escaped abroad. The head of sewing courses for girls (since April 1941).

    • (1) Intelligentsia
    • (2) activists
  • (2)

    Berg, Mary Dziennik z getta warszawskiego (Warsaw Ghetto Diary)

  • (1) 61-63, (2) [s., 58]