Given name: Franka Family name: Beatus

  • YES
  • Female
  • Franka
  • Beatus
  • 1943-12-05
  • 1926
  • Konin
  • Warszawa
  • In October 1942, one day before the liquidation of the ghetto in Ostrowiec Kielecki were she was assigned, she ran to Warsaw. She was a Dror activist and a liaison between the Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) and the 'Aryan side'. She transported the members of Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) from other ghettos to the Warsaw ghetto. Before and during the uprising she was I. Cukierman's first liaison. She committed suicide after she had found out about the fall of the uprising on 12 May 1943.

  • activists
  • 145