Rozprawy Sondergerichtu. Osądzanie złapanych p...

  • YES
  • Rozprawy Sondergerichtu. Osądzanie złapanych po stronie aryjskiej Żydów bez przepustki. Od 10-12-41 rozprawy odbywały się na Lesznie (chciano uniknąć zawszenia gmachu przy ul. Długiej). Od 26-11-41 zmieniono technikę zwolnień z aresztu, początkowo komenda PP mogła zwalniać aresztowanych, co pokrywała się ze zwolnieniami na polecenie Polizeidirektora, ewent. zwolnienie nadchodziły z komisariatu Przem. Hand. [???]. Odtąd bez udziału prokuratora zwolnień nie będzie. Droga służbowa zwolnień: Prokuratura, kom. PP, areszt. Rozprawy 27-11-41 o godz. 9.20, 20-11-41, 28-11-41 o godz. 9, 3-12-41(nie wydano ani jednego wyroku śmierci, po raz pierwszy), 10-12-41, 15-12-41 (3 wyroki śmierci), 16-12-41 (4 wyroki śmierci), 19-12-41(3 wyroki śmierci), 6-01-42 (3 wyroki śmierci), 22-01-42, 18-03-42 (11 wyroków śmierci), 26-03 (4 wyroki śmierci), 30-03 (4), 2-04 (8). Wyroki wskazują na niesłychaną przypadkowość orzeczeń. Od wiosny 42r. sąd oficjalnie powiadamiał areszt o zapadłych wyrokach.

  • listopad 1941
  • marzec 1942
  • in the ghetto
  • administrative, German operations, social/communal
  • Germans, Polish blue police, Jewish police, the 'Aryan' side, prison, Jews
  • dokumenty z Archiwum Akt Nowych dotyczące getta warszawskiego

  • [27,, s., 23-25,, 29,, 30,, 31,, 33,, 36,38-40,, 42,, 45,, 46] -
  • Related people:

    • Pasamowik Abram

      46 years old, caught on the "Aryan side", stood trial on 28 November 1941

    • Chaimowicz Jankiel

      aged 60, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried 28 November 1941. He died of exhaustion in prison.

    • Gotfryd Josek

      21 years old, caught on the "Aryan side", tried on 28 November 1941.

    • Szmulewicz Icek

      17 years old, caught on the 'Aryan' side, was tried 28 November 1941, the sentence was adjourned

    • Gotfryd Łaja

      48 years old, caught on the "Aryan side", tried on 28 November 1941.

    • Słomowicz Liba

      50 years old, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried on 28 November 1941

    • Baum Estera

      Aged 17, was caught on the "Aryan" side, tried on 28 November 1941.

    • Szmulewicz Ruta

      14 years old, captured on the 'Aryan side', tried on 28 November 1941, passing the sentence was adjourned

    • Latowicz Ruchla

      aged 46, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried on 28 November 1941

    • Wrońska Sura

      32 years old. She was caught on the 'Aryan' side'; tried on 28 November 1941.

    • Wajsman Zelda

      16 years old, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried on 28 November 1941 - trial adjourned, tried on 16 December 1941, ac...

    • Huberman Perla

      16 years old, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried on 28 November 1941.

    • Salwe Ruchla

      40 years old, caught on the "Aryan side", tried 28 November 1941, condemned to death. She died in hospital...

    • Fajgeles Fajga

      Caught on the "Aryan side", died of exhaustion in jail.

    • Ozarnowicz Paulina

      Caught on the "Aryan side", died of exhaustion in jail.

    • Sztajman Aron

      captured on the Aryan side, died of exhaustion in jail.

    • Przybyszewicz Symcha

      Captured on the "Aryan side", sentenced to death by the Sondergericht, died of exhaustion in jail.

    • Swiercz Moszek

      Captured on the 'Aryan side', died of exhaustion in jail.

    • Knajdel Dawid

      Caught on the 'Aryan side,' died of exhaustion in jail.

    • Engelman Fajga

      She was caught on the 'Aryan side'; she died in jail from exhaustion.

    • Przymusiński Unknown

      Major, the superintendent of the Polish Police, from Bydgoszcz. A Volksdeutsch. He probably took part in (or was con...

    • Moniak Unknown

      a Polish Blue Police captain, from V Polish Blue Police headquarters. He participated in Sondergericht sessions as a...

    • Tracz Henia

      Her 12-year-old son was caught on the 'Aryan side' (in Zielna Street) without a pass. Instead of the son his mother...

    • Rachmil Mirla

      Aged 16, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried on 3 December 1941, since 23 November 1941 in hospital.

    • Jungerlewin Rachela

      17 years old, she was caught on the "Aryan" side (she was begging) on 17 November 1941; tried on 3 Decembe...

    • Dzięcioł Miriam

      15 years old, caught on the "Aryan side", tried on 3 December 1941.

    • Kam Łaja Ida

      18 years old, captured on the 'Aryan side,' tried on 3 December 1941.

    • Biderman Chaja

      Aged 24, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried on 3 December 1941.

    • Szydło Basia

      19 years old, captured on the 'Aryan side', tried 3 December 1941

    • Tyszgarten Branila

      39 years old, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried on 3 December 1941.

    • Fiszbin Rojza

      34 years old, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried on 3 December 1941.

    • Ajzen Frajda

      15 years old, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried on 3 December 1941

    • Rozenberg Moszek

      Aged 15, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried on 3 December 1941.

    • Nuchmaj Michel

      16 years old, captured on the 'Aryan side', tried on 3 December 1941.

    • Majmin Szyja

      aged 17, captured on the 'Aryan side', tried 3 December 1941

    • Kapcan Abraham

      20 years old, caught on the 'Aryan side,' tried on 3 December 1941.

    • Faldman Moszek

      21 years old, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried on 3 December 1941.

    • Landau Szyja

      aged 18, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried 2 December 1941, in hospital from 13 November 1941

    • Herszaft Luba

      Died of exhaustion in jail probably at the beginning of December 1941, probably captured on the 'Aryan side.'

    • Wiernik Nuchim

      His wife went to the countryside with his pass, she was caught and they were both imprisoned, they stayed under arre...

    • Zylbersztajn Estera

      37 years old, caught on the "Aryan side", tried on 10 December 1941, the verdict was adjourned

    • Herszkowicz Gedala

      21 years old, captured on the 'Aryan side,' tried on 10 December 1941, sentenced to death.

    • Karczewska Cywia

      24 years old, captured on the 'Aryan side', tried on 10 December 1941, sentenced to death

    • Klajn Rajzla

      30 years old, caught on the 'Aryan side,' tried on 10 December 1941, sentenced to death.

    • Cytryna Icek

      aged 29, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried 10 December 1941, sentenced to death

    • Kapelusz Szmul

      48 years old, caught on the 'Ayan side,' tried on 10 December 1941, the trial was adjourned.

    • Bronsztajn Binem

      Aged 30, caught on the 'Aryan side', tried on 10 December 1941 and sentenced to death.

    • Baum Brandla

      Aged 46, she was caught on the "Aryan" side and tried on 10 December 1941. The case was adjourned.

    • Caler Sura

      aged 29, captured on the 'Aryan side', tried 10 December 1941, sentenced to death.

    • Bogman Jochweta

      Aged 18. She was caught on the "Aryan side", tried on 10 December 1941, sentenced to death.

    • Fryszland Herc

      14 years old, caught on the "Aryan side", tried on 10 December 1941, sentenced to 5 years in prison.

    • Wajsberg Fajga

      45 years old. She was caught on the 'Aryan side' and tried on 10 December 1941; death sentence.

    • Kopyto Icek

      In December 1941, he was in prison in Gesia Street, probably captured on the 'Aryan side.' The situation on 15 Decem...

    • Szlajnberg Aleksander

      put in prison at Gesia Street, probably caught on the "Aryan side". Status for 15 December 1941: he remain...

    • Chaba Adam

      put in prison at Gęsia Street, probably caught on the 'Aryan side'. On 15 December 1941 he was at a disposal of the...

    • Cajtung Frajda

      Most likely she was captured on the 'Aryan side' and put in prison at Gesia Street. Tried 15 December 1941. She was...

    • Rajchman Ita

      Probably caught on the 'Aryan side'. She was imprisoned in Gesia Street, tried on 15 December 1941, sentenced to dea...

    • Pochodnia Chana

      Probably caught on the "Aryan side", put in prison at Gesia Street, tried on 16 December 1941, sentenced t...

    • Szczepański Szmul

      48 years old, probably caught on the 'Aryan side,' detained in Gesia Street, tried 16 December 1941, sentenced to de...

    • Lewińska Fajga

      Probably captured on the 'Aryan side', put in prison at Gesia Street, tried on 16 December 1941, sentenced to death.

    • Wand Fajga

      42 years old. She was probably caught on the 'Aryan side' and tried in Gesia Street on 16 December 1941; death sente...

    • Gutman Ruchla

      Caught presumably on the "Aryan side", put in prison at Gesia Street, tried 16 December 1941, acquitted an...

    • Gotlib Jochweta

      Caught presumably on the 'Aryan side', put in prison in Gesia Street, tried on 15 December 1941, sentenced to death.

    • Fuks Jankiel

      Put in prison in Gesia Street (caught on the 'Aryan side'??), died in hospital ca. the middle of December 1941.

    • Rozeszpil Bajla

      She was put into prison in Gesia Street (caught on the "Aryan side"?), transferred to hospital (December 1...

    • Zysman Moszek

      Put in prison at Gesia Street (caught on the "Aryan side"??), transported to hospital - December 1941

    • Wachter Jankiel

      He was detained in the prison in Gesia Street and taken away to the labour camp in Debica in December 1941.

    • Klajberski Szyja

      Detained at Gesiowka, tried on 19 December 1941, sentenced to three years of imprisonment.

    • Ajzenberg Beniamin

      15 years old. In prison at Gesia Street, tried on 19 December 1941, the trial was adjourned.

    • Tenenbaum Srul

      Put in prison at Gesia Street, tried on 19 December 1941, trial adjourned.

    • Kuczyńska Dyna

      In prison at Gesia Street, tried on 19 December 1941, trial adjourned, tried at the end of January 1942 - death sent...

    • Wór Helena

      in prison in Gesia Street, was tried on 19 December 1941, adjournment.

    • Lipszyc Rywka

      In prison in Gesia Street, tried 19 December 1941, the case was adjourned.

    • Szlechter Chana

      In prison at Gesia Street, tried 19 December 1941, case delayed

    • Lewkowicz Jankiel

      In prison at Gesia Street, tried on 19 December 1941, sentenced to 3 years imprisonment.

    • Brafman Zelik

      In the prison in Gesia Street, tried on 19 December 1941, he was sentenced to death.

    • Szwarc Szulim

      In prison in Gesia Street, tried 19 December 1941, case adjourned

    • Graff Rojza

      In prison in Gesia Street, tried 19 December 1941, the case adjourned

    • Zylbersztajn Perla

      In prison in Gesia Street, tried on 19 December 1941, sentenced to death.

    • Winter Małka

      19 years old. She was caught on the "Aryan side" without a pass. She was tried on 27 November 1941, a judg...

    • Krongold Fajga

      32 years old, caught on the 'Aryan side' without a pass. Tried on 27 November 1941.

    • Furmańska Fajga

      56 years old. Caught on the 'Aryan side' without a pass, tried on 27 November 1941.

    • Ocap Zelda

      32 years old, caught on the 'Aryan side' without a pass, tried on 27 November 1941.

    • Chaimowicz Ruchla

      aged 36, caught on the 'Aryan side' without a pass, tried on 27 November 1941.

    • Knobel Hinda

      38 years old, caught on the 'Aryan side' without a pass, tried on 27 November 1941.

    • Majster Szlama

      aged 44, captured on the 'Aryan side' without a pass, tried on 27 November 1941

    • Ajzenband Lewek

      15 years old, captured on the 'Aryan side' without a pass, tried on 27 November 1941, the judgement was adjourned

    • Nauczyciel Abram

      38 years old, captured on the 'Aryan side', tried on 27 November 1941, the sentence was adjourned.

    • Kostelbaum Cipa

      In prison at Gesia Street, tried on 19 December 1941, case adjourned.

    • Zylberberg Cywia

      In prison in Gesia Street, tried on 19 December 1941, sentenced to death.

    • Gruenstein Aron

      In the prison in Gesia Street. On 12 December 1941 received a judgment by default (6 months in prison). Charges: ill...

    • Flam Gedala

      In prison in Gesia Street, on 12 December 1941 he was sent a judgment by default (3 months in prison).

    • Jungerlewi Gerszon

      In prison in Gęsia Street, on 12 December 1941 he was sent a verdict by default of one year in prison. Charged of be...

    • śliwkowicz Jochwet

      In the custody at Gesia Street, tried on 6 January 1942, death sentence

    • Wajsman Cyrla

      She stayed in the prison in Gesia Street, she was tried on 6 January 1941; adjournment.

    • Hofman Asna

      In prison at Gesia Street, tried on 6 January 1942, sentenced to death.

    • Beder Małke

      In the prison in Gesia Street, tried on 6 January 1942, the case was adjourned.

    • Amster Łaja

      In prison at Gesia Street, tried on 6 January 1942, an administrative penalty

    • Gliksztajn Aleksander

      In prison in Gesia Street, from 8 December 1941 in hospital, he received a subpoena to a Sondergericht trial (Specia...

    • Kielmanowicz Rajzla

      In prison at Gesia Street, tried on 6 January 1942, trial adjourned.

    • Boksenbaum Sabina

      In the prison in Gesia Street, tried on 6 January 1942, the case was adjourned.

    • Frajman Rywka

      In prison in Gesia Street, tried on 20 November 1941, the case was adjourned, tried on 6 January 1942, death sentence.

    • Rozenkind Majer

      He was in prison in Gesia Street, tried at the end of January 1942; death sentence.

    • Gutrajman Sura

      Accused of having relations with German soldiers (Rassenschande). Tried on 24 February 1942, sentenced to 2 years in...

    • Himelfarb Abram

      Put in prison at Gesia Street, tried on 18 March 1942, death sentence.

    • Librej Gliszon

      In prison at Gesia Street, tried on 18 March 1942, death sentence.

    • Rapaport Fajwel

      In the prison in Gesia Street, tried on 18 March 1942, death sentence.

    • Stolarski Szmul

      In prison in Gesia Street, tried 18 March 1942, sentenced to death death

    • Golter Zajwel

      In prison in Gesta Street, tried 18 March 1942, death sentence.

    • Wajsbrot Josef

      He was tried on 18 March 1941 in the prison in Gesia Street; death sentence.

    • Roter Ajdla

      She was in prison in Gesia Street, tried on 18 March 1942, death sentence.

    • Rozencwajg Rózia

      In prison in Gesia Street, tried on 18 March 1942, death sentence.

    • Cukier Pesa

      In prison at Gesia Street; tried 18 March 1942; death sentence

    • Sztrykman Szajndla

      In prison in Gesia Street, tried 18 March 1942, sentenced to death

    • Lipszyc Fajga

      In prison in Gesia Street, tried 18 March 1942, death sentence.

    • Zylbersztajn Hersz

      In prison in Gesia Street, tried on 26 March 1942, death sentence.

    • Kerszberg Izrael

      In prison at Gesia Street, tried on 26 March 1942, death sentence.

    • Zylbersztajn Gedali

      In prison in Gesia Street, tried on 18 March 1942, death sentence.

    • Kłopoter Chaim

      Put in prison at Gesia, tried on 26 March 1942, death sentnence

    • Dywan Rojza

      Put in prison at Gesia Street, tried on 26 March 1942, sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment.

    • Zalcman Bajla

      Put in prison at Gesia Street, tried 26 March 1942, sentenced to 6 years in prison.

    • Drajer Ewa

      Put in prison at Gesia Street, tried on 26 March 1942, sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment.

    • Proszower Rojza

      put in prison at Gesia Strret, tried on 26 march 1942, acquitted and released

    • Rubinsztajn Chuna

      Imprisoned in Gesia Street, tried on 30 March 1942, death sentence.

    • Szwarcbrot Pejsach

      Detained in Gesia Street, tried 30 March 1942, sentenced to death

    • Lajfer Hinda

      detained at Gesia, tried 30 March 1942, death penalty

    • Goldzac Bajla

      put in prison in Gesia Street, tried 30 March 1942, death sentence

    • Pomper Dwojra

      incarcerated at Gesia, tried on 30 March 1942, sentenced to four years of imprisonment